Thank you very much Marge Fenelon for hosting my tour today!
Here's Marge's post:
Here's Marge's post:
Five Minutes to a New You
Sounds impossible, right? If you’re talking about changing yourself on the outside – your looks or physique – then, no, it’s not possible. BUT, if you’re talking about changing yourself on the inside – in five-minute increments over the course of a year, for example – then I’ve got just the thing for you!
Catholic Mom’s Cafe: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year written by Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle and due for release May 9 by Our Sunday Visitor is exactly what busy Catholic Moms need to grow spiritually a little every day for an entire year. In each of the book’s 365 entries, there are four sections: Ponder, Offer, Pray, and Savor. The four sections work together beautifully to give the reader thoughts for contemplation, fodder for meditation, words for communication with God, and items for action, and all within a 5-minute span. Prayers used in the book are conveniently found right in the front pages of the book. By the time you’ve finished the day’s entry, you’ll feel as though you’ve just attended a mini-retreat – right at your own kitchen table over morning coffee! By the time you’ve finished the entire book, you’ll feel like a new you – a renewed you!
Here are a couple examples:
May 31st
“And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now n all generations will call me blessed.’” (Luke 1:46-48, NRSV)
Today is the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. One year on this day, I went “in haste” to visit a grieving mother on the first anniversary of her son’s untimely death. It happened to be on the feast of the Visitation, and coincidentally, the mother’s name was Elizabeth. I didn’t want her to be alone since she was having trouble coping, so I took her out to lunch. Though Elizabeth had been feeling rather hopeless earlier that day, over lunch her spirits lifted. her heart was visibly renewed in hope.
In what ways can you “go in haste” to aid someone today? You can do this within your family without even leaving your home. Try to make time to meditate on the Visitation mystery of the Rosary.
Lord Jesus, open my heart. Motehr Mary, and Saint Elizabeth, pray for me. Act of Hope, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
My soul can magnify the Lord!
September 28th
“There is hunger for ordinary bread, and there is hunger for lvoe, for kindness, for thoughtfulness; and this is the great poverty that makes people suffer so much.” ~Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Even n the family, people are starved for love. maybe not in your family – but you never know. Someone may be feeling left out for some reason at a particularly trying time. That feeling can really hurt. Teach your children to say something thoughtful each day to someone they don’t particularly like or someone who may be shunned by others. In your own home, make a point to show kindness to everyone even if you are feeling weary. Ask God for the grace to be a vessel of love to others.
Jesus, I want to be your love! Act of Love, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
I will be a vessel of love, by God’s grace.

You can order author-autographed copies of Catholic Mom’s Cafe on Donna’s website:
You’ll also find the book for sale at your local Catholic bookstore, at Our Sunday Visitor or onAmazon.
If you hurry, you’ll have it in time for Mother’s Day!
You can also see Marge's post here: where you can leave a comment or share through social media. Feel free to comment here as well and share through your social media.
You can also see Marge's post here: where you can leave a comment or share through social media. Feel free to comment here as well and share through your social media.
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