Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday: Here's the scoop on shows and the contests this week


So, there's lots of buzz going on with the launch of my new TV series on EWTN Catholic Mom's Cafe. I am running contests all week during the launch week (after running them all month too). Here's a blog post from yesterday about the contests. Check it out to see the prizes, etc.

To be entered into the contests to win, chocolate, coffee, pampering, books, a cool gift card, and more, watch the shows this week. Here's a description of the shows and guests:

What's on the menu today? 

Today's guest is Lisa Mladinich. The first show aired this morning at 3:00 AM ET and will air again at 6:30 PM ET tonight.

Here's what you need to do to be entered into the cool drawings this week:

1) Watch the shows so you can answer a question from me and be entered.

2) Please "like" my face book pages: Catholic Mom's Cafe:

3) Write a review (can be very short if need be) for Amazon for any of my "Mom" books you have read or are reading, which are listed right below the next sentence.

4) Create a short video of your children doing a good deed (yes, it can be staged to illustrate your point).

  • Catholic Mom's Cafe: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year 
  • Embracing Motherhood 
  • The Domestic Church: Room By Room: A Mother's Study Guide 
  • Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers  
  • A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers  
  • The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home 
  • Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine Month Novena for Mothers to Be 
  • Rooted in Love: Our Calling as Catholic Women
  • Grace Cafe: Serving up Recipes for Faithful Mothering

  • After leaving a review today or sometime this week, or after "liking" my Facebook pages, or after answering the question about the show each day, LEAVE a comment on this blog post or any of the posts this week telling me what you have done. THEN, please email me ( the answer to the question, or the review, or telling me that you "liked" the pages.

    You may enter more than once all throughout this week!

    THE QUESTION ABOUT TODAY'S SHOW IS: What is one of the suggestions given on today's show "The Skinny on Catholic Fashion" regarding teaching our kids to dress modestly? PLEASE DO NOT answer in the comment section of this blog. Rather, leave a comment to tell me that you are emailing me with the answer. So, I'd like to hear from you in two places--this blog (telling me what you are doing to enter), and in an email ( please to give me your answer or other. The subject line should be "Catholic Mom's Cafe contest." Then, you will be entered into these contests!

    TO BE ENTERED INTO THE CONTEST FOR THE GRAND PRIZE: Create a short 3 to 5 minute video of your children doing a good deed. Let me know in the comments on this blog that you have done so or will do so by week's end and then send the video to me by email: . The subject line should be, "Catholic Mom's Cafe video contest."

    Please consider subscribing to my email newsletter(s) which is easily done through my website:

    Enjoy the shows...God bless you!



    1. I'll be sending an email with my answer to your question about modest fashion.

    2. I have "liked" your author page and your Catholic Mom's Cafe page on Facebook.

    3. I'm sending you an email with an answer to this show.
