Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Catholic guy's perspective!

Kevin Lowry of "A Grateful Convert" just blogged about my book. I think it's cool to get a Catholic guy's perspective. Here's what he said:

I admit it: I was a little reluctant about this book review. 

The problem is, I’m not a mom. What can I possibly say about a book that targets mothers? It’s not like I have any experience with the subject matter. I’m a guy. So my experience is 100% vicarious. Actual experience, 0%. 

When I received the review copy in the mail, I didn’t even open in for a couple days. It just felt daunting, like playing basketball wearing ice skates. But there was Donna-Marie’s smiling face on the cover. It’s impossible not to like her. Besides, she was so cool to me last year, when Faith at Work was released and I was just a newbie, know-nothing author. She sent me such encouraging notes, blogged about my book, and even mailed me a couple miraculous medals. So what’s a guy to do? 

I started reading the book, and everything changed. Immediately, I was absorbed. Yes, it’s a book from a mother’s perspective, and about motherhood. But there’s so much more to it! In short order, I realized that this book is just as applicable to men. 


It’s a little hard to describe, but for you married guys, have you ever walked into the bedroom after your wife puts on your favorite perfume? It’s sort of similar – this book is distinctly feminine in a way that men will find alluring – and I suspect women will find encouraging. 

Of course, I love retreats. They’re a spectacular way to slow down and gain a little perspective when the pace of daily life gains too much momentum. At the same time, at least in my own case, I feel the need for more one retreat per year. That’s why this book makes so much sense – there’s encouragement for every single day. The practical approach of quotes, reflections and prayers are perfect for daily use. 

Have you ever read scripture and it just happens to be perfectly applicable to your current situation? I suspect you’ll often run into the same thing with this book. After all, we can never completely penetrate the depths of faith, hope and love, right?

If you’re not familiar with Donna-Marie, do yourself a favor and check out the blog dedicated to Catholic Mom’s Cafe (the book and the television series): or follow its Facebook page: Autographed copies of the book are available at, Our Sunday Visitor, or the usual channels. Please consider purchasing a copy, you will be very glad you did! - See more at:

Check Kevin's post out here too:

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